When will Russia run out of forests??

According to preparatory estimates of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire damage, raged at the end of April in Transbaikalia, made up 280 million rubles.

Several hundred people were left homeless, hectares of forests burned. But even without fires, forests in Russia are rapidly disappearing. Today, most of the Siberian timber is exported to China. Tree felling moves north, where the taiga is recovering much more slowly, than in the south.

Alexander Onuchin, Director of the Forest Institute named after. Sukacheva SO RAN, d.b. n.:

— After felling, a problem often arises with, so that this resource can be obtained in the same volumes, what nature gave, and in that assortment, which is needed in the market. Therefore, foresters are obliged to grow forests. They create plantations, provide care for them, fire protection, protection from pests and diseases.

Seems, that there are a lot of forests in Siberia. So why grow it?? Steps and cuts, while wood supplies last. But this situation cannot last forever.. We believe, that the lack of forest resources will become quite severe in 15 years.

What could be the way out?? 1-oh— organize the processing of low-value wood species (Now she just rushes to the cutting sites). This will help reduce deforestation and preserve northern forests, which grow more slowly and perform essential biosphere functions. If in the southern taiga and forest-steppe on one hectare there are 300–400 cubes of wood can be formed in 70 years, then in the northern taiga this will take about 300 years. However, loggers are not ready to expect either 70, not even 30–40 years. Because the authorities, science and business need to find a common language. The authorities must make certain decisions, that would encourage loggers to take restoration measures, — not only by administrative means, but also by increasing rates for timber harvesting (now they are not very tall). Then more funds, received from the sale of timber, can be used for reforestation. Science can also have its say. We have experience in identifying more favorable forest conditions for certain species— Pine, larches, etc..

Linden taiga. Siberian invented a way to protect forests from fire


Some opponents say: if there is not enough wood— the price goes up. Then they won’t buy it and the shortage of timber will disappear. Obviously, this is not the approach, which meets the interests of the economic development of our country. Following this formula, just reach the point of nonsense.

The author's worldview may not coincide with the editorial position

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