All penguin population decline, but not extinct, says expert

In general, penguins millions, the extinction of most species is not threatened, noted ornithologist

ornithologist, один из ведущих экспертов по пингвинам в Рф Ольга Роздина рассказала, that all populations in the world of penguins reduced, but it can not be called extinction, RIA Novosti.

Ранее представитель Рф в Коалиции по сохранению Антарктики и Южного океана (ASOC) Elena Zharkov said, Adelie penguins in Antarctica are under threat of mass extinction due to climate warming and krill catch.

Rozdina in turn notes, that the tendency to reduce the number of planned in all species. According to her, more prosperous species today is king and emperor penguins. In general, penguins millions, the extinction of most species is not threatened, said ornithologist.

population reduction, according to the expert ornithologist, due to the melting of coastal ice in Antarctica, changes in ocean currents in the Southern Hemisphere, as well as the reduction of fish stocks in this connection.

"Adelie penguins are also quite a lot of. Another thing, their numbers in the hundreds. When the population of several hundred individuals, then halving the already critical, а когда несколько миллионов, the remainder of the population enough, чтоб дожить до благоприятных времен», — добавила Родзина.

more vulnerable, in her opinion, Humboldt penguins are, native to the coast of Peru, Аргентины и Чили, несмотря на то, что они отлично размножаются в неволе и их можно найти практически во всех зоопарках.

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