Nature laws. Folk omens, which work

Summer residents often complain, that folk signs can’t be trusted lately. And the calendar changed, and global warming is on the horizon…

But in fact, all signs can be divided into two groups. The first of them is associated with certain days of the year — For example, religious holidays (What's the weather like on Intercession Day?, this will be the winter). Unfortunately, already proven, that they are implemented least often: the reliability of the forecasts does not exceed the probability of a random coincidence.

Another group will perceive, against, has quite high accuracy, because it is based on knowledge of the laws of nature, weather patterns and features of the current cycle of animals and plants. These are the signs we offer you..


Thaw with southwest wind — to stable cloudy snowy weather without severe frosts.

The noise of a flying plane is heard louder and sharper than usual — to warming.

The logs are blazing with a bang — to a frosty day.

Cirrus clouds bend in a long stripe — to the blizzard.

Long dry branches of fir trees bend — to the blizzard.

Snow storm during the day foreshadows frost at night.

If the snow falls in large flakes, the frost will be moderate and even a thaw is likely.

Crows fly and circle in flocks for a long time — to clarify.

The snow is deepest — to a good grain harvest.

Tits appear en masse near houses — to the approach of cold weather.


Saw a starling — spring at the porch. Saw a finch — expect more cold.

Eyes on potatoes, lying in the basement, sprouted early — by early spring.

If rooks fly straight to their nests upon arrival from the south — spring will be friendly, melt water will come off all at once.

Strong wind during precipitation at above-zero temperatures — to the imminent cessation of snow and sudden warming.

The first young spiders appeared — wait for the heat. If a spider sits in the corner, wrapped in a web, — there will still be frosts.

If the beginning of May is warm — at the end it will be cold, and vice versa.

If dandelion flowers are open, despite the cloudy weather, — it won't rain. Against, if they close early and in sunny weather — expect rain.


Lots of mosquitoes — prepare boxes of berries, very cool — cook baskets for mushrooms.

There are a lot of grasshoppers in June — to drought.

The sun has set in a cloud — expect bad weather.

If the rain starts in large drops — it won't last long.

Frogs are silent before the cold snap.

Droplets of sticky sap appeared on the maple leaves in the evening. — expect bad weather soon.

There will be hail, if dark clouds are visible from afar, and behind them are snow-white.

The trace of the plane in the sky is small and melts before our eyes — for a nice day.

The leaves on the birch tree turned yellow by the last week of August — wait for frost.


If autumn honey mushrooms appear early — there will be few other mushrooms.

Frequent thunderstorms in September — to the warm long dawn.

The air temperature rises from dawn to 14–15 hours, and then slowly decreases — to good weather.

Dandelion blooms in September — autumn will be warm.

The leaves on the upper branches of the birch remain green for a long time, while they have already flown around from below, — to early winter and blessed spring.

Winter must be serious, when the bird flies away together.

Bullfinches appear in gardens — to the coming snow.

Power line wires are buzzing louder than usual — to bad weather.

Day and night the temperature remains almost unchanged — to prolonged cloudy weather.

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